Wilson on TT on NT

Douglas Wilsonwilson03 at Blog and Mablog, has begun to post comments on the individual essays in the “NT Wright” issue of Table Talk. I know, this adds an extra layer of brain torture, but if you can take the strain, it’s well worth the effort. Wilson, when it first erupted, was very close to the New Perspective controversy. Because he floated in those circles many automatically lumped him in the group, partially because he rightly defended some of the issue, which was a bit unfair. He eventually outlived the slander among all but the most close-minded. For many reformed, however, he remains an odd character, I believe due at least in part to his post-mil views and his uber-sharp intellect defending it.
Here are links to the two responses thus far, one to R. C. Sproul’s essay, and one to Dr. Mohler’s:
A Polecat In a Hollow Tree
Introspective Weird Beards in the Monasteries

If you are not a subscriber to Table Talk these posts won’t be of much use. Next month when the February issue appears online, you may be able to read some of the articles. The best bet is to see if you can order the February issue online, or find a friend who has it and is willing  to share.

Happy Reading

About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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