Phlox on Friday

Well, this is the first of what I hope to be a “Friday-Floral-Photography” post. I was going to see if I could post a floral picture of something in my yard every Friday in 2009, but it turned off quite cold right after Christmas, causing my hardy cyclamen to cut short its season just before the new year. There were a number of other prospects waiting anxiously those first three Fridays, but none offered to show true color until this week. These four tiny creeping phlox blossoms—there were others scattered about—are premature, to  be sure. The main show will be more than a month away. Notice how the blade-like foliage hasn’t even greened up yet.

Creeping Phlox—January 21, 2009

About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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