The Uncommon Lilac

lilac01There is nothing common about the common Lilac, Syringia vulgaris. It has a fragrance that is like nothing else in the landscape, a fragrance that more than makes up for this old standard’s lack of show for the remainder of the year. Being deciduous, it stands bare all winter long, and for it to bloom in the spring that winter needs to be long and cold. Here in zone 6b most all lilacs are at their southern limit. The lilac is to the north country what the crape myrtle is to the south.

All that being said, the fragrance of the lilac all by itself is worth the entire price of admission. We have one planted on the south-west corner of our house, which is where our bedroom is located. On warm spring nights, with the windows open, the gentle breezes fill the room with scent of lilac. So much else is blooming out in the landscape these days, but I had to pick this one for this week.

Have a great weekend, to the glory of God, and be sure to gather with the saints on the Lord’s day. Blessings.

About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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