Nip It in the Bud

No this is not a post about Barney Fife.

Magnolia ‘Jane’ is a lovely small tree, one that fits well in the residential landscape. Topping out at around twenty-five feet it will not dwarf a single-story dwelling. The leaves are large and leathery, creating a solid shade. The bare gray scaffolds in winter create an interesting contrast with whatever else is near in the landscape. The blossoms are quite striking, measuring four or five inches across. Not only does it bloom in spring, around the time of its cousin, the star magnolia, but it will often produce a light bloom period later in the summer. For some reason this year most of the blossoms of this second flush have had blemished petals once fully open, so I have chosen to show this tight bud for my Friday Floral. Enjoy. (Remember to click on the thumbnail if you would like to see the pic a bit larger.)

Have a blessed weekend, and give God the glory for it, and everything. See you in his house this Lord’s day.

About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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