Rain, Rain, Blessed Rain

I have never seen rain like this in August. Most years in Oklahoma you need a stick of dynamite to dig a hole in the ground when August rolls around. It has always been a bitter-sweet affair: wishing the drought and humid heat would go away, but realizing that means autumn, and then winter is just around the bend. Not my favorite season, whine-ter. I know that there is still one more week left in this month, but except for a couple of days at the beginning, this has been one of the most pleasant Augusts I can remember.

Summer plus rain always means one thing around this writer’s lodging: rainlilies, Zephyranthes sp. We have seven species/varieties here, but there are dozens more, ranging from pure white to peach and deep pink. This week’s pic. is of one of our smaller rainlilies, the fairy lily, Zephyranthes candida. The rush-like foliage tends to burn a bit on the tips by this time of year, but I think it is from a rust (fungus) rather than from heat/moisture stress. The fairy lily usually doesn’t bloom until late July or early August in this area, but continues until late into the fall. My wife took this picture early in the week after it rained. Yes, that is why they, as a group, are called rainlilies. The day after a rain they send out a battalion of blossoms, lasting only a day or two, and yes, you can trick them into blooming by watering them the day before you plan to have guests over for dinner.

If you know your Latin and Roman mythology, you will know that Zephyr was the god of the west wind, thus a zephyr is a gentle westerly breeze. The slightest wisp of wind will send these delicate blooms dancing. The species name, candida refers to color, namely white.

All of these semi-tropical bulbs can be grown here in Oklahoma, but not much further north. Most of them are native to South Texas and Mexico. They are super easy to grow, and some spread more quickly than others, needing to be dug and separated from time to time. A good way to meet new neighbors is to share some as you get acquainted across the back-yard fence. They are much more appealing than sharing huge zucchini.

Get out and enjoy God’s creation this weekend. See you Sunday as we meet to worship and adore Him.

About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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